In parts of Asia, a person who kills a cat will have the sins of the cat transferred to them, whether the killing is accidental or intentional. (Japanese superstition) If a cat washes his face, it is a prediction of rain. the traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people, transmitted orally. Undoubtedly, cats have become part of the folklore of many cultures. If you dream of a playful kitten, it means that powerful friends are watching over you. Cats have always held a mysterious spot in world culture. To dream of a cat is unlucky. Cats are said to be able to see better in the dark than in the light. Cats use their whiskers for navigation, moods and figuring out if they can squeeze under the sofa by pushing their heads through first. In ancient Egypt, black cats were held in the highest esteem because they resembled Bastet, the cat-headed Egyptian goddess of home, fertility, and protection from disease. The persecution of people accused of being witches is a clear example. In the Netherlands, cats are apparently believed to be gossipy creatures who will happily blab all of your deepest, darkest secrets. It is unlucky to weigh a cat or a kitten. If we consider lions as cats, the cult of the Lion-headed Goddess, Sekhmet, was prominent. A spotted cat coming to your house is a good luck omen. She also protected humans from venomous animals, and since venomous creatures, such as snakes and scorpions were (and are) in abundance in the Egypt… The Egyptians worshiped a huge pantheon of gods and goddesses, with the inclusion of various sacred animals. Likewise, a Dutch superstition says that forgetting to feed your cat on your wedding day is an invitation to the rain. They may encounter angels manifesting in the form of a cat, see images of a beloved pet who has died and now acts as a spirit guide or guardian or catch sight of cat images that symbolize something God … If cats are playing in the house and an unusually lively way, windy or stormy weather is approaching . If not, it means speedy rain. Check Now: Blue Buffalo • Science Diet • Purina • Wellness • 4health • Canine Carry Outs • Friskies • Taste of the Wild • See 200+ more brands…. My own male cat defies this myth; he only eliminates in his litter box — and nowhere else. In fact, these 14 black cats make it very difficult to argue that humans and kitties don't have a lot in common. The cat was a favorite of the Ancient Egyptians, and the death of a family cat was considered a great misfortune. The first belief recognises that humans exist on a continuum with the rest of life and that we are not completely separated from other animals. To see a cat eating grass foretells rain. If the family cat should sneeze three times in a row, the family will soon suffer from the flu. Cats came to symbolize down-pouring rain, and dogs to symbolize strong gusts of wind. In Scotland it was thought that epysipelas (a horrible skin infection) could be cured by letting the blood from a cat’s ear drop onto the infected area. 1* The most popular superstition about cats in general is that a cat has nine lives. A three-colored cat is good luck, and in some places is thought to offer protection from house fires. Neutering can lessen or eliminate spraying, and other benefits include reducing the risk for testicular cancer, injury and disease transmission. In ancient Egypt, cats were worshipped as gods. Cats are amazing for their ability to make impossible leaps and jumps, survive falls and maneuver in ways we didn’t think possible. Not true, says Animal Planet. This episode explores some of those thoughts and talks about how to reframe them. Cats use their whiskers for navigation, moods and figuring out if they can squeeze under the sofa by pushing their heads through first. Cats could cause very bad luck if they snuck aboard a boat, but throwing the cat from the boat would surely cause treacherous weather for the crew. Click on up and down arrows to affect item's ranking Add item. Here are a few common beliefs and superstitions in Mexico. The belief that black cats are a bad omen is also a Western superstition, and I've read that Native Americans believe seeing an owl is inauspicious. While male cats get accused of being the guilty pee party, any cat can spray urine to mark territory, according to the ASPCA. Cats also love Valerian, according to many. Irish folklore features a big black cat named Iruscan. Here are more superstitions about cats. A superstition in New England says that if you own a white cat, you will live in poverty. There are many sub-traditions within Hinduism, but there are two beliefs about humans which seem to dominate the religion’s view of animals. In describing the beliefs of Muslims near Tomini Bay (Indonesia), Adriani and Kruijt (1951:317) note Muslims have a special appreciation for the cat and a special set of beliefs related to how one treats cats. More specifically cats play a role in one’s destiny in the afterlife. Cats have the reputation for being aloof and independent, leading people to believe they can leave a cat alone for long periods. An Irish superstition says that if you’re moving into a new home, the family cat should not be moved to the home by you, especially if water has to be crossed in the process, or bad luck will surely follow. An old superstition said that cat hair was thought to be indigestible and it was believed that you would die if you got it into your stomach. The Muslim admiration of cats extends beyond the near east. ghosts or spirits. A well-socialized cat wants to be around his or her family, and loves to play and be petted. Muslim scholars are divided on the issue of neutering animals. Although these myths and superstitions aren’t going away anytime soon, it’s good to know the difference between reality and fantasy when it comes to our cats and their safety. If a cat was to jump across the corpse, the devil would gain control of the soul of the deceased. 3* Black and white cats bring good luck. Weather will be bad when the cat licks itself “against the grain”. If a cat sits with its tail facing a burning fire in the fireplace, it means a change in the weather is coming. Read on for the proof. Also, if a cats brushes against the gown of a bride as the bride leaves the church on her wedding day, the bride will have good luck for years to come. 1. Allowing cats to sleep with you is considered to be very unlucky. 5* Italians believe that it is good to hear a cat sneezing. For that reason, cats were to be protected and venerated. Cats may also experience pain with whisker removal, since whiskers are located in a facial area that is rich in nerves and blood vessels. A German belief says that mistreating a cat can cause a rainstorm to occur on the clothes you’ve hung out to dry. During medieval times cats ranked as evil spirits and it was believed that black cats were the cleaver assistants of witches and that they bring bad luck. Thank you for purchasing my book and learning more about cats and Buddhism! In general, if a kitten comes into a house , it is a lucky omen. It is also entirely antithetical to the revered place held by the cat when it was first domesticated in Egypt around 3000 BC. This research is the first to explore differences in cognitions and preferences related to outdoor cat management with three important stakeholder groups. The most common beliefs about cats through the centuries Rated 6 points - posted 11 years ago by kris in category Other. If a kitten comes into a house in the evening, it is an omen of evil unless the kitten stays in the house, which will prevent the evil from taking place. And the Vikings worshipped Freya, the cat … 2* Good luck encountes if three cats appear in one way. Cats and witches. (American superstition) It is unlucky to see a white cat at night. Also, it is unlucky to have a cat when you cross a river. Some believe it is a sign that your friends will betray you. The cat is climbing up the post. 4* A lot of actors believe that it is desirable to have a cat in theatre. Birds and other animals don’t have an instinct for associating bells with imminent danger, and cats can learn to move quietly, even with the bell. Cats possess nine lives. A cat sneezing is a lucky omen for a bride to witness. Those who play too much with their cats never have good health. If a cat washes its face in the presence of several people, the first person the cat looks that will be the first to get married and the first to die. People sometimes keep cats to keep these "dirty/bad stuff" out of their home. Why do we harbor so many beliefs about cats? We hear so many myths and superstitions about cats from friends, family and folklore, but is there any truth to them? 1. Cats are huge fans of “Cat thyme,” or Teucrium Marum, the subject of this rhyme: If you see it, The cats will eat it; They are creatures of mystery and in today's episode we are bringing a little of that mystery to you. To see a white cat on the road during the day is lucky. She was a warrior goddess, who led the pharaohs in warfare. This may be where the phrase "it's raining cats and dogs" originated (see also "Miscellaneous" section below). If a cat washes its face in the presence of several people, the first person the cat looks that will be the first to get married and the first to die. e.g. Here’s an example of a cat landing gone awry: This particular myth depends on how much you believe in superstitions. Cats have been a creature of myth, folklore, and legend as far back as the beginning of time. The most widespread belief was that domestic cats carried the divine essence of Bastet (or Bast), the cat-headed goddess who represented fertility, domesticity, music, dance and pleasure. It is unlucky to move into a house in which the former occupants have left their cats. They are said to, “draw your breath away”. Cat Talk Radio Podcast People have dysfunctional thoughts about cats that can become dangerous to them - the cats, not the people. Feline Meditative Practices. They say that if a cat comes upon it, they will instantly dig it up. Jumping over a corpse, cat certainly would turn it into a vampire. Most, however, maintain that neutering cats is allowed "if there is some benefit in neutering the cat and if that will not cause its death". Other beliefs are rooted in ancient Pagan animist culture in Japan, and regards living and natural things as having spirits or powers, making some animals and depiction of animals as bringers of both good and bad fortune. Cats are actually socially gregarious pets. Each country has its own folklore and legends, things our parents or grandparents tell us, to ward away bad vibes or to scare us into being good little children. Whiskers are not required for balance, but removing or cutting them can affect these other senses. People claimed they caused bad luck, were reincarnated witches in feline form or did witches’ evil biddings. India and China both had cat fertility goddesses — Sastht and Li Chou, respectively. Middle Eastern species of cats were domesticated in Egypt about 10,000 years ago and while various other animals were also considered sacred, cats had a special status among those animals. In Ireland, it is considered highly unlucky for a family to take their cat with them when they move. According to History Collection, Vox in Rama firmly established the association between cats and the devil in Christian culture. Egyptians believed cats were magical creatures, capable of bringing good luck to the people who housed them. There are shrines that worship cats as gods across Japan and cats have also played a part in folk beliefs through the ages. Here’s a closer look at 7 feline fabrications we hear most often. Ancient Egyptian cats had a sacred status in because of the religious beliefs of Egyptian society. Not true, says Animal Planet. People sometimes see cats appear to deliver spiritual messages. It used to be believed that if a cat tail was cut off, the cat could not take part in the Witches Sabbath. When a death occurred and the body awaited burial in the home, cats would not be allowed indoors. Yes, many do, but this is not true for all cats. If a cat washing it face in front of the fire stops suddenly and looks at anyone, that person will soon receive an important message. Group membership was predicted by cat ownership, attitudes toward and beliefs about outdoor cats, perceived impacts, risk perceptions, and management attitudes. What is Buddha? Cats were depicted in … Whiskers are not required for balance, but removing or cutting them can affect these other senses. Cats were obviously important, and there were enormous cults, which revered these felines. If a cat runs across your path, you will regret it if you do not turn back. There are several unlucky numbers in … For centuries, cats, especially black ones, have been associated with witchcraft and witches. Cats mostly land on their feet because of their bone structure and having the ability to manipulate their body quickly (cats also have no collar bone). When the cat licks its paws, it also means company, and the company will come from the direction in which its tail is pointing. Cats would lose their sense of balance if they didn’t have whiskers. ... was a symbol of wind. Amazingly, some cats quite like water and even baths. Cats pop up in many religions as well, as both angelic and devilish figures. After all, who's ever heard of a black dog bringing bad luck? Mistletoe: Superstitions, Folklore & History, Origins of Christmas Traditions and December 25th Significance, Sayings About Cats – Some Forgotten Proverbs. Superstition #3: Black Cats Are Good Luck Black cats are also believed to bring good luck in many ways. Though history hasn’t been as kind to our furry friends as we are today, their mysterious nature has always been revered. Anyone who makes cats his enemy is certain to be accompanied to the grave with wind and rain. It is unlucky to weigh a cat or a kitten. What I’m trying to say is: Are cats really reincarnated witches who have 9 lives and also spread bad luck? Various Cat Superstitions and Folklore Through History. Click here to listen to the full podcast: Dysfunctional Beliefs About Cats - How to reframe them #CatTalkRa If a cat follows you when you leave home, it is an omen of bad luck. Interesting hub--I have a fairly broad knowledge of Hinduism, but I didn't know about folk beliefs such as these. Black Cat Superstitions. A New England superstition says that if you give a friend a cat, your friendship will end. These days, cats enjoy significantly less status than they once had; instead of being overlords, weapons, or supernatural … One cat superstition says that it is a good omen when a cat washes its face in front of a burning fireplace. If a neighbor’s cat comes around “listening”, it is a sure sign that your neighbors are gossiping about you. Black cats are notorious among the superstitious, but cats in general are regarded as powerful and mysterious animals across many cultures throughout history. The protective function of cats is indicated in the Book of the Dead, where a cat represents Ra and the benefits of the sun for life on Earth. Whether you should be worried if a black cat crosses your path also depends on where you live: Some European countries believe it to be good luck, while most Americans view it as bad luck. As superstitions go, fear of a black cat crossing one's path is of relatively recent origin. Some attribute such beliefs to the intrinsic mysterious nature of felines. On St. John’s Eve (June 23), it was thought that cats left their homes and went to the meeting places of witches. Also, cats born in May will never catch mice or rats, but will instead bring into the house snakes, worms, and other undesirable reptiles. Centuries ago, black cats were thought to be witches because they were most active at night. Witches and Black Cats The Middle Ages, also called the Dark Ages, in Europe, was a time of many superstitions that resulted from early spiritual beliefs and a lack of scientific understanding about nature. My first experience with Buddhism and Cats happened when one of my former cats, Tara (appropriately named), was discovered on my zafu (meditation cushion). The bell can toll all day and night, but it won’t make a bit of difference if your cat finds some appealing prey outside — and bird organizations agree. In Slavic mythology, there was a belief that killing a cat would result in man incurs the seven years of tribulation. May cats are also inclined to be sad and melancholy. Evidence to substantially support a black cat as anything more than a cat whose fur happens to be black is lacking, and we mark this myth as false. If a cat licks its fur in the opposite way that it naturally lies, there will be significant rain. Maybe the Scottish were so mean to cats because of the cat superstition that said that witches often assumed the form of cats while they plagued their family. May cats are unlucky, and will suck the breath of infants. If the cat while washing its face draws its paw over its forehead it is a sign of good weather. (American superstition) If a cat washes its face, it is a prediction that a visitor will be arriving. However, some cultures make a distinction, saying that if a kitten comes into a house in the morning, it is lucky. Instead of saving the birds or small animals outside, you might create a super-stealthy predator — or, as a Petful reader helpfully pointed out, reveal your cat’s exact location to bigger predators. Some of these superstitions are universal (think “the evil eye”) and some are unique to a specific place. If you sow it, The cats will know it. Some in Scotland believed that human disease could be transferred to cats, as well. Alternatively, if the cat calmly and smoothly washes itself, expect fair weather. Common people also started having pet cats at home several hundred years ago and Japanese people have been involved with cats in a variety of ways since then. I would have liked to learn more about the rationale behind some of them. When the cat died, the family would shave their eyebrows and enter a state of mourning. But once a cat dies, it’s definitely not coming back for 8 more turns. In parts of England it was believed that cats’ eyes dilated and contracted with the flow and ebb of the tide. We're often misunderstood (no, black cats are not actually witches in disguise), we're occasionally moody and sometimes we like to push things off of different surfaces (so, what?!). Many cat superstitions involve weather. The Scottish also use the family cat as a sort of “canary in the bird cage”… Before entering a new home, the family would throw the cat into the house, so that it could absorb any disease or curse left by former tenants. In some parts of China, especially in the southern part, cats are said to have the ability to see stuff that people can't see. Cat-shaped decorations used during the New Kingdom of Egypt indicate that the cat cult became more popular in daily life. A cat crying on the rooftop of a house means death for the sick inside. A German cat superstition says that to dream of a black cat at Christmas is a warning of a serious illness to come. Scottish superstitions treat cats poorly. In Massachusetts a cat putting its paw over its head means company is coming. In other words, they require killing nine times before they remain permanently defunct. Furthermore, there is a belief among some Muslims that cats seek out people who are praying. It was once thought unlucky to let cats die in the house. Many people believed that witches and black cats worked together. Sounds about normal, actually. If the cat tears of the cushions or carpet with its claws, it is a sign that wind is coming, as we say, “the cat is raising the wind“. Cats are said to be able to see better in the dark than in the light. So if you’re worried about your cat’s attack habits and want to reduce them, forget the bell — instead, use other means, like special fencing or restricted outdoor access. We hope you enjoy these five bits of folklore and cultural beliefs about cats! So take precautions around your house to make sure your cat doesn’t have access to anything that will cause him injury, whether it’s a choking hazard or a high open window without a screen. But cats can still land awkwardly and suffer injuries (especially from greater heights). It is said if the family cat lies with its back to the fire, a huge storm is on the way. Cats are pretty clean, generally, but when the time comes where you have to actually bathe your cat, make sure you take the proper precautions to prevent a slick escape — and use the right shampoo. However, the description of the devil as a black cat tapped into already deep-seated cultural beliefs about the nature and symbolic significance of cats … ~ Zen Master Pa-Chaio Hui-Ch’ing. Cat Superstitions . Squeeze under the sofa by pushing their heads through first scholars are divided on road. Paw over its head means company is coming were most active at night remain permanently defunct sign of weather. Superstition ) if a cat alone for long periods facing a burning fireplace neutering animals heads through first if. 'S ranking Add item its head means company is coming and smoothly washes,... As cats, the family would shave their eyebrows and enter a state of.! Is a prediction that a cat runs across your path, you will live in.. 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