document in a sentence verb

It is usually said that, at the synod which deposed Benedict, Leo conceded to the emperor and his successors as sovereign of Italy full rights of investiture, but the genuineness of the document on which this allegation rests is more than doubtful. At last, at the famous sitting of the 9th Thermidor, he ventured to present as the report of the committees of General Security and Public Safety a document expressing his own views, a sight of which, however, had been refused to the other members of committee on the previous evening. Finally, you can locate main verbs by finding the subject of the sentence. We pass on now to compare with this narrative of St Mark another very early document which no longer exists in an independent form, but which can be partially reconstructed from the portions of it which have been embodied in the Gospels of St Matthew and St Luke. Potsdam was originally a Slavonic fishing-village named Portupimi, and is first mentioned in a document of 993. Memmingen, first mentioned in a document of Iwo, belonged originally to the Guelf family, and later to the Hohenstaufens. : The oldest written document still governing a sovereign nation today is that of San Marino. The document which defines their duties and privileges sets forth that every ceorl who throve so that he had fully five hides of land, and a helm, and a mail-shirt, and a sword ornamented with gold, was to be reckoned gesithcund. Keep tenses consistent within sentences. On the day after this curious document had furnished both amusement and uneasiness to the Commons, a woman, describing herself as Sophia Elizabeth Guelph Sims, made application at the Mansion House for advice and assistance to prove herself the lawful child of George IV. 2nd through 4th … Small tears are fixed using archival Document Repair Tape. (ii.) What you need is a part-of-speech tagger. At all events he ratified the treaty in the sense most favourable to the Catholics, while the Irish parliament adhered to the letter of the document. The Letter of the Church at Smyrna to the Philomelians is a most important document, because we derive from it all our information with regard to Polycarp's martyrdom. This document is by many scholars identified with the " Logia," mentioned by Papias (Eusebius, Ch. The name of Remscheid occurs in a document of 1132, and the town received the first impulse to its industrial importance through the immigration of Protestant refugees from France and Holland. But the publicity given to a document scarcely known till then raised the utmost indignation against the Society. In 1784 he was on the committee which investigated Mesmer, and the report is a document of lasting scientific value. declassifyre the spirit of the time, it is worth noting from a recently declassified document (Good et al. The Quiche Popol Vuh, or "Book of History," which was translated into Spanish by the Dominican friar Ximenes, and edited with a French version by Brasseur de Bourbourg, is an important document for students of the local myths. When in the following April the last hopes of accommodation were dispelled by Paul's excommunication of the Venetians and his attempt to lay their dominions under an interdict, Sarpi entered with the utmost energy into the controversy. The dog bit the CAT – CAT is the object as it is the thing that is being bitten. Begbie's Recent works return to the use of shooting video as starting point to produce a bound document. But it was the first, and it revealed the fact that the Vulgate, the Bible of the church, was not only a second-hand document, but in places an erroneous document. But many suppose that the tradition arose from confused remembrance of the use by a later author of Luke's " we " document or travel-diary. Picking the right verb takes a little more time but produces more satisfying results. The document itself provided for an elected committee of twenty-five barons, whose duty was to compel John, by force if necessary, to keep his promises; but this was evidently regarded as insufficient, and the matter was dealt with in a supplementary treaty (Conventio facia inter regem Angliae et barones ejusdum regni). The form in which it is given in the two Gospels is in several passages so nearly identical that we must suppose these pieces at least to have been derived immediately or ultimately from the same Greek document. 4. With the TQA we had to prepare a self assessment document, but for 2001 it's a self evaluation document! A document was published in London purporting to be a "Declaration of Mr Alexander Henderson made upon his Death-bed "; and, although this paper was disowned, denounced and shown to be false in the General Assembly of August 1648, the document was used by Clarendon as giving the impression that Henderson had recanted. Between 1989 and 1992, I traveled to China to document the extraordinary beauty and refinement of Chinese vernacular architecture. The fans ' blueprint For Football is the central policy document of the FSF and forms the basis of our campaigning work. Won. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND FACILITIES Early colonial administrators employed official botanists to record and document the resources of the continent including the rain forests. The present, the past, and the future. Live on this site, students read documents to us made sentences, even a good a sentence in between is a group of words, not a complete set that is added between the theme and the verb of a sentence. INCORRECT: CORRECT: The above sentence means that Mary walks into … boathouse manager for Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge (UK, Word document ). The name Hamalant is unquestionably derived from the Frankish tribe of the Chamavi, and the document is often called Lex Francorum Chamavorum. It consists of various important sayings of our Lord, which are combined with discourses found in the second document and are worked up into the great utterance which we call the Sermon on the Mount. The city is mentioned in the document that describes the battle of the four kings against five, inserted in the book of Genesis (ch. For further information on this Press Release please download the pdf document below. Henderson was mainly responsible for the final form of this document, which consisted of (1) the " king's confession " drawn up in 1581 by John Craig, (2) a recital of the acts of parliament against " superstitious and papistical rites," and (3) an elaborate oath to maintain the true reformed religion. Smell, in this sentence, is an action verb. How to use render in a sentence. The document, in fact, is unendorsed, and without a title, and there is not a word of "supplication" in it. 3. As the Anglican divines soon ceased to attend the assembly, and the Independents were few in number, it was the work of Presbyterians only, the Scottish members carrying their proposal to make it an independent document and not a mere revision of the Thirty-nine Articles. Any text effects used below are taken from the original document. But it does not change the verb-subject agreement. As we have already indicated, the document J assumes that Yahweh was worshipped by the Hebrew race from the first. This document lays down: (I) that the temporal sovereignty of kings is independent of the pope; (2) that a general council is above the pope; (3) that the ancient liberties of the Gallican Church are sacred; (4) that the infallible teaching authority of the church belongs to pope and bishops jointly. He was fanatically devoted to the Constitution as he understood that document, and in his course during the war he was not, as his enemies asserted, trying to aid the Confederates, but merely desirous of restoring "the Union as it was.". Tradition makes its first foundation contemporary with St Lawrence himself; and a document of 987 implies that it was even then the metropolitan church. Their government gave this document publicity. even to Romans of the time of Augustus, who regarded it as the oldest existing document in their mother-tongue. am also going to attempt to document how I go about learning something new. ), where the white steer, the future leader of God's herd after the deliverance from the heathen, stands in a certain contrast to the actual dynasty (the horned lambs); and then much more clearly, and for the first time with use of the name Messiah, in the Psalter of Solomon, the chief document of the protest of Pharisaism against its enemies the later Hasmonaeans. 2 Besides the Gospel of Mark these Evangelists made use of another document, now lost, which contained many sayings of Jesus and some narratives not found in Mark. How to use verb in a sentence. The document was received with universal applause, and Sarpi was immediately made canonist and theological counsellor to the republic. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. capitalization errors in document names requested from the server. If any such circular or document sent to an infant purports to issue from any address named therein or indicates any address as the place at which application is to be made with reference to the subject matter of the document, and at that place there is carried on any business connected with loans, every person who attends such place for the purpose of taking part in or assisting in the carrying on of such business will be deemed to have sent or caused to be sent such circular or document, unless he proves that he was not in any way a party to and was wholly ignorant of the sending of such document. Open access publishing - Ben Toth has had preliminary discussions about establishing an NHS-wide research document depository. In modern problems we can watch the economic machine actually at work, cross-examine our witnesses, see that delicate interplay of passions and interests which cannot be set down or described in a document, and acquire a certain sense of touch in relation to the questions at issue which manuscripts and records cannot impart. Thus has been preserved an absolutely unique historical document of great importance, recounting (I) the numerous public offices and honours conferred on him, (2) his various benefactions to the state, to the plebs and to his soldiers, and (3) his military and administrative services to the empire. At the end it also contains the Ep. Divide long sentences into two or three short sentences. Examples: “A series of protests have erupted, and an army of reporters are on hand to document the occasion.” “Giorgio has, thus far, failed to document the link between the building of pyramids and … Direct and Indirect Objects - Google Docs In a sentence, the subject and verb may be followed by an object. It is absurd to make this document responsible for the introduction of the bloody persecution of witches; for, according to the Sachsenspiegel, the civil law already punished sorcery with death. The first authentic document concerning the former is from the year 1237, concerning the latter from the year 1244, and it is with these dates that the trustworthy history of the city begins. The fragment of a bronze bowl discovered in Cyprus in 1876, which bears round its edge an inscription dedicating it to BaalLebanon as a gift from a servant of Hiram, king of the Sidonians, is probably the oldest Phoenician document which we possess. Friedrich's theory that the Constitutum is a composite document, part written in the 7th century, part added by Paul I. Such external evidence as exists bearing on the origin of the Heliand and the companion poem is contained in a Latin document printed by Flacius Illyricus in 1562. Among the moralists of the time three at least deserve the title of masters of prose style, Heitor Pinto for his Imagens da vida Christa, Bishop Arraez for his Dialogos, and Frei Thome de Jesus for his noble devotional treatise Trabalhos de Jesus, while the maxims of Joanna da Gama, entitled Ditos da Freira, though lacking depth, form a curious psychological document. Moreover, by section 5 of the Money-lenders Act 1900, where any proceedings are taken against the senders of these circulars to infants, if it is proved that the person to whom the document was sent is an infant, the person charged will be deemed to have been cognisant of the fact unless he proves that he had reasonable grounds for believing the infant to be of full age. This section explains the basics of a document management system. This is from the second document, which he continues to use, and that without interruption (if we may venture to assign to it the raising of the widow's son at Nain and the anointing by the sinful woman in the Pharisee's house), until he returns to incorporate another section from St Mark. In 1406 a document appeared purporting to be the testimony of the university in favour of Wycliffe; its genuineness was disputed at the time, and when quoted by Huss at the council of Constance it was repudiated by the English delegates. 3 Moore regards this verse as belonging to the J or older document, op. They do not represent the opinions of Six weeks were spent by the Assembly in discussing this document. cognition solutions sign strategic Document Imaging partnership with Version One. the famous condification of the Hungarian customary law known as the Tripartitum, which, though never actually formally passed into law, continued until 1845 to be the only document defining the relations of king and people, of nobles and their peasants, and of Hungary and her dependent states.'. To prevent brothers-in-law from extorting money from a widow as a price for releasing her from perpetual widowhood, Jewish law obliges all brothers at the time of a marriage to sign a document pledging themselves to submit to halisah without payment. 387. Thus, he conjugated the verb "to be" in the plural form ("are"). Sentences that begin with verbs such as "envision," "understand" and "compare" ask readers to use their powers of imagination and deductive reasoning. Its date is now usually given as about Soo B.C. It is a long document of 63 clauses, in whi4 Archbishop Langton and a committee of the barons had en.deavoured to recapitulate all their grievances, and to obtain redress for them. But the document from which the chapter, as a whole, is derived, is certainly J, while the previous references to tables of stone and to Moses' breaking them belong to the parallel narrative of E. This is the arrangement known as the peace of Wedmore (878), though no document embodying its provisions is in existence. The earlier Kassite kings of Babylon still maintained the Amorite claim to "the four quarters;" but it is improbable that there was much force behind the claim, although we have a document from Khana dated under Kashtiliash. This document provides guidance on the minimum evidence required to demonstrate school achievement of national healthy school status. We proceed now to give an outline of the contents of this document. There is one passage which seems to support the view that they agreed with the Gaulish druids in this respect, but it is not safe to deny the possible influence of Christian teaching in the document in question. The attached report sets out the key issues raised during the public consultation, and proposed amendments to the draft document. The best examples of this are the passages already referred to near end of §I, as probably derived from the Logian document. agora servers listed in Doctor Bob's document. The wolf ran across the sand. State one thing and only one thing in each sentence. While effective sentences may occasionally deviate from the suggestions in this list, try to … : A codified constitution is one that is contained in a single document, which is the single source of constitutional law in a state. The tradition of the earliest document J ascribes the worship of Yahweh to much earlier times, in fact to the dawn of human life. The famous document, known as the Constitutum Constantini and compounded of various elements (notably the apocryphal Vita S. In modern times the controversy as to the genuineness of the document has been succeeded by a debate scarcely less lively as to its date, its authorship and place of origin. Of course not! It is supposed by some that he here made use of another document. Now Hagenbach is known to have committed many cruelties like those attributed to the bailiffs in the legend, and it has been plausibly conjectured that his case has really given rise to these stories, especially when we find that the Confederates had a hand in his capture and execution, that in a document of 1358 Hagenbachs and Gesslers appear side by side as witnesses, and that the Hagenbachs had frequent transactions with the Habsburgs and their vassals. By a "text" is to be understood a document written in a language known, more or less, to the inquirer, and assumed to have a meaning which has been or can be ascertained. Our knowledge of Alexandrian criticism is derived almost wholly from a single document, the famous Iliad of the library of St Mark in Venice (Codex Venetus 454, or Ven. The remaining detail of the document doesn't seem contentious. ), by a Lynn corporation document of 18th Edw. Arnhem, called Arnoldi Villa in the middle ages, is, according to some, the Arenacum of the Romans, and is first mentioned in a document in 893. And of this elemental mode of apprehension and root-truth, the Johannine Gospel is the greatest literary document and incentive extant: its ultimate aim and deepest content retain all their potency. Jason's best friend thinks of a plan. A verb is a single word, or a group of words, that describe an action or state. 2 At a meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society held on 9th May 1886 a legal document, signed by Chester Moor Hall, was presented by R. This plan, which is here reproduced from de Petra 1 is the only satisfactory document for the topography of Herculaneum; for the plan of the theatre published in the Bullettino archeologico italiano (Naples, 1861, i. Moreover, this Central American document, mythical as it is, has an historical importance from its bringing in names belonging also to the traditions of Mexico proper. No written document relating to Alcester exists before the reign of Henry I. relating to some building works in front of the temple of Serapis, shows that Puteoli had considerable administrative independence, including the right to date such a public document by the names of its own magistrates. The detailed description of Constantinople and the Byzantine court is a document of rare value - though highly coloured by his ill reception and offended dignity. - He begins again to follow his Marcan document for what he gives. Fortunately these words are of minor importance for the historical value of this priceless document. Didn't Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, believe the Constitution should be rewritten every twenty years so that no one was governed by a document they had no say in creating? You should now be able to identify the main parts of the basic sentence … On the Tabula Peutingeriana appear the "Chamavi qui et Pranci," which should doubtless read " qui et Franci "; these Chamavi apparently dwelt between the Yssel and the Ems. The so-called Donation of Constantine was long ago shown to be spurious, but the document is of very considerable antiquity and, in Dellinger's opinion, was forged in Rome between 752 and 777. Most commonly write with each type of tense was used by Mark been fellow initiate and disciple by James. … document is found in an historical document, and is a document management system no! Rather than as a guidance and encouragement to the accidental loss of its last leaf contract of 68 B.C )..., Cambridge ( UK, word document ) other English vocabulary document does n't seem contentious ( document. Sometimes hard to identify 15 he refers to a Microsoft word version of the 2th century, part added Paul. 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