Privacy Policy and The best tactic is to grow it as an isolated colony—say, in a crevasse in ledge. Here's how to grow this intrepid creeping vine: Surprisingly-hardy creeping shrub, deciduous at the cold end of its range. SKU. the dark green foliage is evergreen in my zone (zone 8). It can also be trained to interweave with a metal screen or fence to make a very nice opaque border. Wire Vine is delighted with just such digs. Spread depends on the mildness of the locale. Angel Vine Mattress Vine, Wire Vine Muehlenbeckia complexa d c All Parts Angel's Trumpet Chalice Vine, Datura, Trumpet Vine Brugmansia spp. It's only rarely encountered in-ground in Zone 6. its attractive combination of round cotoneaster-like leaves widely-spaced on dark wire-like stems. Use a pair of sharp scissors to trim off a cutting that is 4 to 6 inches in length. The thin stems and small leaves mean that the plant can grow into all its neighboring plants, swamping anything its height or smaller. Creeping wire vine is fast growing and can be grown as a ground cover in areas too shady for other plants. In Zone 6, even under ideal circumstances, a mat six or eight feet across and six or eight inches high; higher and wider at the end of the growing season, but is killed back by Winter. Nothing growing in an empty crevasse? To completely cover an area, plant four to six plants per square yard. It shines planted … Wandering Wire Vine. I’ve never this tried but know for certain that it works. Stay tuned: Wire Vine works well as an annual, but the real achievement this far north is establishing it as a permanent garden citizen. Part of the reason is because the plant is almost never sold in Zone 6 as anything other than filler for warm-weather containers. … In milder climates, almost too easy and adaptable. Propagating Muehlenbeckia or Creeping Wire Vine can be difficult because of its smallish leaves however since it creeps along the ground and is invasive, pruning off rooted stems and transplanting in the fall but do not plant amongst other perennials because it will smother everything in its … Planted it in sandy soil near some cedar trees with part sun. Commonly known as maidenhair vine, creeping wire vine, lacy wire vine, angel vine, mattress vine, mattress wire weed, necklace vine, and wire vine, Muehlenbeckia complexa is an ornamental plant … Myrtle's easy when the conditions are right. Or partner with plants that are sharply vertical as well as many times Wire Vine's height—think Solomon Seal—so Wire Vine … the tiny flowers aren't showy—but lead to translucent pearly-white fruit that are. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google By Tubers with the Stem. a mad scientist, searching out plants that most people have, never seen before & figuring out how to make them perform.” - The Boston Globe, or just about any other place where concrete consumes, the dirt and skyscrapers shield the sunshine.” - USA Today. This New Zealand native can be grown outdoors in a … Part of the reason is because the plant is almost never sold in Zone 6 as anything other than filler for warm-weather containers. You can put the … Wire vine does well with bright indirect or direct light for several … Make the cut from … Creeping Wire Vine. It took me awhile to decide that I liked Muehlenbeckia axillaris, or Creeping Wire Vine. Plant database entry for Wire Vine (Muehlenbeckia complexa) with 10 images and 33 data details. Terms of Service apply. With round leaves on exciting dark stems, Wire Vine looks like a Button Fern gone wild. ", Good Housekeeping Magazine — "Secrets of a Small Garden" — Secrets & How-To's. Grapes can be propagated in several ways, but perhaps the most common method is through dormant cuttings. New bought or recently repotted plants don’t need to be fed for the first year. With regular pruning, though, it can be a gorgeous groundcover or, trained up support, a tight screen. Maidenhair Vine is lovely in a large pot on a stand, which allows the vines to grow down the … But decide I did, and three plants went into the area cleared out when the Rhody was removed last … Wait until after the vines have gone dormant to collect propagation … Trails and climbs 20 to 30 feet or more, covering shrubs and trees. Wire Vine is an exciting surprise in Zone 6, which is a puzzle in that it can be an almost weed-proof groundcover and its texture is unique. Angel Vine Houseplant - Muehlenbeckia complexa - Wire Vine House Plant - Maidenhair Vine - Live Rooted House Plant ThePlantHall. A dense springy mat of old and new growth eventually accumulates, leading to the other common name, Mattress Vine. USDA Zone? And if only it were hardier. Another reason is that the less-hardy (and much more aggressive, at least in milder climates). its rarity in Zone 6: the plant is justifiably popular (as well as somewhat feared) in mild climates, where it can be challenge to control. I have seen this ground cover called Creeping Wire Vine or Wandering Wire Vine, so you can expect to see it labeled whatever cute name comes to mind, I guess. Sign up for twice-monthly eNews, plus notification of new posts: New England Home Design Blog, Winter 2015, The Washington Post — "Can a Garden be Too Bee-Friendly? its tolerance of almost any amount of pruning and training, so it can be clipped (with frequent pruning) into tight tracery around stones, or grown up into wire forms to make topiary. Also, if you actually do establish Wire Vine—hooray!—then you've got to control it. Indoors, it makes a pretty low maintenance houseplant. There are very few rules in gardening, but perhaps the most important one is to work within your zone. The outward-creeping stems will probably get Winter-killed, but that just means that the growth between the slabs will be that much tighter. You can clip or even mow the colony in the Spring to keep it flat. Is that fair, by the way? Step 1: First, … When you love plants, every spot has potential. I've got plenty of granite slabs on the property, so this nook should be perfect: Shelter from Winter winds, fantastic drainage, plenty of sun, and protection from lead-footed visitors. Another reason is that the less-hardy (and much more aggressive, at least in milder climates) M. complexa is often sold instead. If you want a few more periwinkle plants, it's easier to take cuttings or divide plants than to start seeds. Surely something will be happy to call it home. Other names include tororaro , mattress plant, wiggy-bush, and wire vine. 5 out of 5 stars (2,744) 2,744 reviews $ 15.00. Louis tries to capture the exact words to describe the fleeting but deep pleasures to be found in these Summer-into-Autumn incredibles. Sun or shade and any well-drained soil. Features Also commonly known as “Wire Vine” because the plant forms a dense mass of wiry stems adorned with tiny round, glossy leaves. Because only asexual propagation is prohibited under patents, you can propagate hybrid plants … © 2020 LouisLovesGardening, Ltd. All rights reserved. ... Propagation Station, Wooden Monstera Leaf (Comes With Plant Cutting), Propagation Tubes, Urban Gardening, Gifts for Plant … That fern's strictly for the subtropics and tropics, though, so it's an even bigger pleasure to have its texture in a plant that with luck—see "How to Handle It" below—is perfectly hardy in southern New England. d c All parts, especially seeds ... Arrow-Head Vine/Plant … It's hard to find room for a plant which has neither showy flowers nor evergreen leaves to boast of, however, Muehlenbeckia deserves a spot in many gardens. You can still have an exciting garden, full of flowers and color and wildlife. Choosing plants … At the cold end of its range, easier to establish with excellent drainage and siting in the quick-draining and wind-sheltered cracks of ledge and walls. Creeping wire vine is a tough, dense, fast growing, evergreen groundcover plant that I have growing in both landscape beds and containers. On its own, without support and in a frost-free climate, a mat ten feet across and a foot high. Upward growth is more and more prevalent in milder climates. Clip off out-of-bounds stems at any time. Maidenhair Vine can either be grown warm the year round or given a winter rest period with a minimum of 1 °C … Wire vine is a good, easy-care foliage plant to add to outdoor containers or to serve as a hanging plant … Very easy care, may plant … I planted it in 2017 on Vancouver Island; thru this mild winter it hasn't missed a beat. Muehlenbeckia axillaris. Wire Vine is an exciting surprise in Zone 6, which is a puzzle in that it can be an almost weed-proof groundcover and its texture is unique. Plant in nutrient rich, well drained soil and space multiple plants at intervals of at … This is an attractive plant adding texture in the garden. To propagate new plants from most fast-growing, multi-stemmed houseplants such as Swedish ivy, coleus, or scented geraniums, try taking stem cuttings and rooting them. I will probably need to order some since I don’t have one at the moment, but I will get this plant … Be the first to review this product. 6248. Use these convenient icons to share this page on various social media platforms: Zone 8a -12.2 °C (10 °F) to -9.4 °C (15 °F). … Or partner with plants that are sharply vertical as well as many times Wire Vine's height—think Solomon Seal—so Wire Vine doesn't have much of an invitation to climb or any realistic hope of smothering, and can be easily extracted when necessary. Not suitable for planting near dense or compact or low neighbors, from which the vine is just about impossible to extract. Indeed! its preference for growing in cracks in stonework and over hardscape in general, which conveniently provides the ideal backdrop to its leaves and stems. Site your muehlenbeckia axillaris in a spot where it will receive a full sun to partial daily shade exposure. It grows so quickly it works well as an annual. The common name “wire vine” certainly is apt for this plant since it is as tough as wire, yet at the same time makes a beautiful foliage plant. Allergic to bees? All these characteristics combine to make the plant excellent at taking on the shape of wire forms, creating an attractive topiary effect. Narrow stems race outward, hugging the ground and rooting as they go. Save seed from periwinkle plants if you have patented hybrids and want to experiment with different flower colors and plant forms, or if you want to start a large number of plants at once. Temperature. document.write('
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