what christmas plants are safe for cats

When the sun goes down, the leaves on the plants come together like prayer hands, and that's why they're called prayer plants. CAST IRON PLANT. Aspidistra elatior. Several popular flowering plants are safe for households with cats. Wismer suggests that you keep these plants and flowers out of reach of curious cats even though they are considered safe, because there are other dangers to watch out for. The whole plant is toxic, so any part of it can be dangerous to your beloved feline. However, if you enjoy decorating your home with Christmas plants, it's important to know that some of our favourite Christmas plants can be harmful or even deadly for cats. It will be essential to know the plants before you buy them: ask the gardener and do some research before bringing any new plant into your home.. Once you know that they may be poisonous, place them in a safe site, out of your pets' reach. Mistletoe. When gardening, clear away clippings as these may intrigue curious cats. This makes it an easy care plant that will tolerate a little neglect and be relatively … When your cat eats a Christmas cactus, your first concern should be the health of the cat. We take a look at which Christmas plants are safe and which plants are toxic to cats. Christmas is a few days away and many of us have our homes decorated with trees, wreaths and Christmas plants. However, a few potted poisonous plants are known for being highly toxic, so be sure to steer clear of succulents (especially if you have curious cats), snake plant, and oleander, which can even be toxic to young children! However, as many of you know, this Christmas plant is poisonous to dogs and cats. Yet again, an over-inquisitive cat might lose one of their nine lives if they manage to eat its leaves, petals or part of its bulb. Toxicity to other homestead animals is noted where appropriate. While they might be more commonly associated with spring, daffodils can start appearing as early as December in a mild winter. Are Christmas Trees Safe For Dogs And Cats? Holly berries may be an important food source for birds during the winter, but they are a plant that's poisonous to cats and dogs. Larger quantities can cause comas and death. Toxic Plants for Cats. You might want to share some of your festive treats with your cats, but human chocolate is something that should never be shared with your feline friend. Some plants, such as a poinsettia and wandering Jew, have sap that … Be careful of too much water though. 9. There are lots and lots of species of Haworthia. Is a Christmas cactus poisonous to cats? Orchid varieties that have made the ASPCA non-toxic list for cats include tiger orchids, phalaenopsis orchids, and lace orchids. Meanwhile, larger quantities of it can cause lead to comas and death. In addition to these traditional Christmas plants, there are many other plants that are also toxic for your pet. As for poinsettia or hellebore this will result in digestive and nervous problems, and possibly cardiovascular disorders. One of Zoë’s favourite things about freelancing is being able to work at home with her beloved tortoiseshell cat Bobby close by. Christmas cactus is also known as Thanksgiving cactus or Easter cactus. 10 Christmas plants that are poisonous for cats. After reading the great list of 30 Plants That Can Detox The Air In Your Home over at Sound Body Life, we started wondering which of these plants are safe for cats and dogs. Cast Iron Plant (Bar Room Plant, Iron Plant, Variegated Cast Iron Plant) | Scientific Names: Aspidistra elatior | Family: Liliaceae Cat Brier (China Root, Ti-hu-ling, Shiny Leaf Smilax) | Scientific Names: Smilax glabra | Family: Liliaceae In rare case, it can be fatal. Keep these ten common Christmas plants away from your cat so you can ensure a safe festivities for your feline friend. Here are some pet-friendly plants that are safe for your cat or dog to cuddle up to (and how to care for them): 1. It's highly toxic to cats and can make them very ill. Find out more about giving your cat chocolate. Plants with dangling vines like spider plant are naturally enticing to cats. As a cat person who has had everything from fake to real trees, I’d like to shed some light on the subject and give you some ideas as to what to expect and how to handle your cats being around fake Christmas trees. It is easy to grow and aside from being a houseplant, it is also used in landscaping as borders. Your cat can get into the festive spirit too. If you suspect your cat has eaten a poisonous plant, contact your vet immediately. 2019 © All rights reserved. But many other plants might be safe for dogs but toxic to cats, or safe for humans but toxic to dogs. This plant is particularly toxic, to humans as well as our furry friends. However, fibrous plant material can cause irritation to the stomach and intestine, leading to vomiting or diarrhea. This can cause colic, diarrhoea, lethargy, abdominal pain and drooling if eaten. 8. Even if a cat only ingests two or three leaves or even the water from the vase, it can still prove fatal. Sap in poinsettia leaves is mildly toxic to pets (and children) and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling and nausea. A very popular decorative plant at Christmas because of their pretty, brightly colored leaves, poinsettias can give cats and dogs digestive problems and irritate their skin. You could grow cat-friendly plants like catnip, mint, cat thyme and lavender to encourage them to nibble non-toxic plants in the garden. It has small and has striped leaves, occasionally flowers but rarely when kept indoors. Keep reading to learn about 10 plants to avoid – and 10 that are perfectly safe for kitty. Plants are enticing to cats, and whether they chew leaves, dig into potting soil, bat at blossoms or sip water from a vase or rooting jar, curious kitties can get into all kinds of trouble exploring your indoor jungle. It prefers moderate light but will grow in a wide range of conditions and will forgive you if you forget to water it. Loyal Dog Dumped At Busy Shelter Won’t Let Go Of Her Teddy Bear, Senior Dog On The Brink Of Dying, Wipes Away Owner’s Tears, Puppy Abandoned In Park With Saddest Message Written On Her Body, Dog On The Verge Of Being Euthanised Asks For Shelter’s Help, This Racoon Has Become The Official Assistant To A Vet In Russia, This Rescue Dog Is Best Friends With A Bizarre Object And Never Leaves It, Blind Shelter Cat Is Read ‘Harry Potter’ Every Day Until He Learns To Trust People, Woman Photographs Pitbulls In Floral Crowns To Help Them Get Adopted. Of all the plants on this list, this one is actually the safest. If ivy comes into contact with their skin, it can cause rashes and conjunctivitis. Ideally, you should be at the vet's within two hours of your pet being poisoned. Last updated August 2nd, 2020. Suggestions for cat-safe viny plants? These plants are considered low toxicity plants. ASPCA says prayer plants are pet-friendly. All those shiny objects to poke a paw at, not to mention the tree that just has to be (attempted to) climbed. In cats, ataxia has been noted. According to the ASPCA plant database, Christmas cactus is not toxic or poisonous to cats, but insecticides and other chemicals used on the plant may be toxic. The Ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) is a wonderful cat safe houseplant that looks great, and your cat will also love it. Safe green plants include coleus, corn plant, dracaena and spider plant. Of course, you can visit all the sites and collect the information on your own, but I felt the need to make sure that my readers would be able to refer to this list of cat safe plants quickly and easily from my cat site.. As a cat lover, I have long wanted a list for my own use that would tell me not only which plants are toxic to cats, but also which ones are safe. If you show your cat the grass menu and ask him what he’d like to snack on, he’d likely choose the “Sprigs of grass sprinkled with a bit of morning dew” or the simple “After hours Catnip platter”, nothing too fancy really. Blooming plants such as the African violet, African daisy, and orchids won't harm your cat if she takes a bite. Christmas Cactus (which actually isn't even a cactus) isn't toxic to pets, but the fibrous material can cause digestion issues if your pet chews on it. Ferns such as the Boston fern and maidenhair fern are safe, as are most palms. Mistletoe is the plant of love at Christmas. This white flower blooms in winter and often decorates homes at Christmas. If possible, take some of the plant they ate so that they can be sure that they are giving them the right treatment. @pottedparadise / Via instagram.com. There are a few plants that are highly poisonous for cats and as you know, cats like to chew on many different things, including green plants. The Christmas cactus is another common holiday plant that is naturally found in the coastal mountains of Brazil. Safe green plants include coleus, corn plant, dracaena and spider plant. There’s no way you can’t find one you like. They're also known to sprout spider plant babies, which … If you buy mistletoe for your new year celebrations, be careful to put it up securely and out of your pet's reach since this plant's berries are poisonous. However, just like poinsettias, it is best to keep it out of reach of animals, especially cats. There’s not much more exciting for a cat to see the annual Christmas tree being put up. It's highly toxic to cats, and if ingested, it can cause problems with breathing, diarrhoea, vomiting, shock and even in some cases, be fatal. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, possible reactions include vomiting, diarrhea, and tremors. Rabbit’s Foot Fern (Davallia spp.) About . Remind you of anyone you know? Most cut flowers come with a powdered flower food to keep them fresh, and this can be toxic to cats. You could grow cat-friendly plants like catnip, mint, cat thyme and lavender to encourage them to nibble non-toxic plants in the garden. Summer. Indoor Plants That Are Safe For Cats. If your pet manages to poison themselves despite your precautions, call your veterinarian as soon as possible. Find out more about how you can cat-proof your Christmas tree. An interesting plant with easy propagation tendencies, your cat will enjoy gazing upon the bright flowers. The answer depends on how you grow your plants. Also known as monkey grass or border grass, they are popular for their colorful lilac and purple spikey flowers. Read More. The amaryllis is a desirable holiday plant because it's fun to watch the bulb grow into a tall, majestic flower. There's a variety of house plants that are safe for cats, both blooming and green plants. A particularly interesting feature of the genus is that many of them have transparent “windows” to let … Enjoy your holidays with peace of mind, knowing your pet is in great hands (find a petsitter near you) and spoil them with our monthly subscription box filled with yummy treats and toys (get your free box here). Place your haworthia in bright light, and water weekly. However, while the fibrous leaves may not be toxic to cats, they can cause irritation and mild stomach upset. Jade Plant (Crassula ovata) Most exposures to Jade plants in cats and dogs cause mild gastrointestinal irritation in the form of vomiting and diarrhea. Here are our favorites. It's hard to resist decking your home with the wonderful array of festive live plants that are available at this time of year. Although cats seem to be more sensitive to this plant than dogs, more severe symptoms are rare. Having pets involves a lot of cautions, including the selection of cat safe plants. They do enjoy humidity, so don’t let them dry out. Snake plants, often referred to as "mother-in-law's tongue," is well-known as one of the best plants for low light conditions, and for improving air quality - which has made it an extremely common houseplant. Cats and Christmas Trees: 10 Ways to Maximize Safety & Minimize Mayhem. Christmas is not just a time for us humans to enjoy. The leaves can obviously cause quite the shock to a curious pet, but won't cause lots of damage unless they're eaten. Holly, like mistletoe, is an iconic but dangerous plant to have around dogs and cats because of the toxins in its berries. You love your cats. Corn Plant, Dragon Tree and Ribbon Plant (Dracaena spp) Dracaena are categorized as moderately toxic plants. Fortunately, the Christmas Cactus (or its relative, the Easter Cactus) plant is not toxic to dogs in either its parts or flowers. It's a vicious parasite that keeps its green colour by sucking the nutrients from trees. The best advice is to keep your poinsettia out of reach of your cat. If your cat eats it then they may suffer from vomiting, diarrhea and paralysis. It's a good idea to take some of the plant with you to the vet so they can ensure your cat receives the correct treatment. Ivy is another iconic Christmas plant that adorns many homes at Christmas. Source: Pinterest This plant is particularly toxic, to humans as well as our furry friends. The plants are generally easy to care for and are beautiful additions to a home. Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is one of the most beautiful and popular plants during the holiday season. Most pets don't eat nearly enough of the plant for this to happen. Holly berry poisoning can make your pet throw up and drool a lot, as well as irritate their mouth. But before you sow just any seed, you need to consider which plants are safe for cats and which aren’t. This plant is perfect for hanging, as it sprouts smaller spiderettes that drape down from the mother plant as if on a web—safe for any curious cat or dog. However, it's a very toxic plant for cats (and dogs) due to the presence of the chemical lycorine. Indoor plants safe for cats and dogs Bloomscape. Spray your plant … However, just like poinsettias, it is best to keep it out of reach of animals, especially cats. Privacy Policy of Wamiz During the lead up to Christmas, we are looking at which common Christmas plants are toxic and non-toxic to cats so you can keep your furry family safe. Is Christmas cactus bad for cats? If you have a real tree rather than a fake one, make sure to vacuum regularly to keep any fallen needles off the floor. The berries contain toxins that are potentially life-threatening if ingested. These plants are considered low toxicity plants. There’s no … Native to tropical and southern Africa, the spider plant is also known as the airplane plant, spider ivy, ribbon plant or hen and chickens. The same applies for cats. They add a lovely welcoming touch to any home. As much as I try to keep my plants out of reach, my cat inevitably ALWAYS finds a way to get to anything leafy. One of my cats, not the sharpest tool in the box, never noticed the tree was there till around 12th Night! However, while the fibrous leaves may not be toxic to cats, they can cause irritation and mild stomach upset. Daffodils, for example, can cause stomach upsets, vomiting, or worse if your cat eats the foliage, flowers or pods. Poinsettias originally come from Mexico and reach their full bloom in December, so perfect for the festive season. Red Princess (Horsehead Philodendron, Cordatum, Heartleaf Philodendron, Panda Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Fiddle Leaf, Red Emerald, Saddle Leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae But do you know how to spot the indoor plants that are safe for cats? Holly berries rarely kill animals who eat them, but can still cause them a large amount of pain and discomfort. This flower also blooms in winter and is used by florists in festive bouquets. It can keep its flowers for up to two months if well looked after. Unlike the similar-looking aloe plant, all plants in the large Haworthia genus are safe for cats and dogs. In dogs and cats, small exposures usually cause mild vomiting or diarrhea. While I’d love the air in my home to be more healthy and of higher quality, I definitely wouldn’t … Important Note: This list is not inclusive. But cat owners should be aware that those lovely flowers can potentially be toxic for cats. The bulbs, flowers and stalks contain phenanthridine alkaloids which are very toxic to pets. The curving leaves may be a little too tempting for your kitty to avoid playing with, but your cat will be perfectly safe. African violets are nontoxic to dogs, cats, and horses, and also feature delicate, fuzzy, leaves. With small ingestions, typically there are no signs of toxicity. Create a cat-safe garden to enrich your cat’s environment. Other known toxic plants are figs, azalea, lilies and bulb plants. Most pets don't eat anywhere near enough for this to happen. Orange or lemon peels work wonders, and these are perfectly safe for your plant. During the festive season, indoor plants become a popular accessory inside the house, but cats and plants don’t always mix. Eating poinsettia leaves can irritate your cat's skin cause oral pain, drooling, vomiting and digestive problems if consumed in large enough quantities. Just scatters a few peels around your plant and this will guarantee no cat in sight. If your pet manages to swallow any, they could irritate, block or even puncture their digestive system. Don't assume that the plant's spikey leaves will put off a curious cat from investigating, so make sure you keep the plant well away from your feline friend. While they may be a very pretty plant, their red leaves can be mildly toxic to pets. Even Safe Plants Can Pose Dangers to Cats. Whether it's buying them a purrfect gift, spending quality time with them or even preparing them a special cat-friendly Christmas dinner. The Christmas cactus is considered non-toxic to cats. Likes temperatures from 8 to 26 c and enjoys bright indirect sunlight. 4. Thankfully, there are several plants that top the list of the best plants for cats. Luckily, we’ve got a list for you. So you've probably wondered just how safe that Christmas tree really is, especially if your pet seems eager to chow down. 'S a variety of lovely colors, including a deep Christmas red and easy make... Possible reactions include vomiting, diarrhea, heart problems, seizures and dizziness takes! In case you have cats at home on our website only are catnip, Vine... Cut flowers come with a degree in Journalism, she worked in and. They ate so that they are giving them the right treatment the wonderful array of festive live that! Colorful lilac and purple spikey flowers but they 're also known as monkey grass or border,. Popular yuletide plant, abdominal pain and discomfort types of lily are dangerous! Only occurs in cats Beaucarnea recurvata ) is a few days away and many of these plants and pets a. 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